Defence Force Veterans

Create opportunities for Defence Force veterans in your workplace

Build a diverse culture that welcomes the diverse and high-performing talent that veterans offer.


How to encourage more veterans to apply for opportunities

Attraction strategies that work

Discover better ways to attract veterans to your organisation

Showcase your values

Military life instils some strong values in Defence Force veterans. Integrity, loyalty, self-discipline and perseverance are important to them.

Showing that those values are important to your organisation too, can give you ready access to this rich talent pool. By letting veterans know that your organisation values non-technical skills, you can also help them feel more confident about transitioning and applying for a position with you.

Connect with veterans

Take your search for talent to the places where veterans are most likely to go job-hunting. And make sure you let transitioning veterans know that you are actively looking to employ them.

Place employment ads in veteran-focused employment platforms. Connect with veteran communities at job fairs. You can also tap into their networks by partnering with military transition programs, non-profits and veterans’ organisations to promote your organisation.

Offer on-the-job training

Veterans are trained to be fast learners. They can upskill rapidly in new situations which means, with appropriate training, they are likely to integrate smoothly into your workplace.

Developing on-the-job training programs can help veterans bridge technical skills gaps quickly. Incorporating them into your workforce will not only broaden your team’s capabilities, it will also help you build a more diverse, innovative and productive culture.


“Leadership is expected at all levels in the ADF. Veterans have experience working in and leading teams that work together to achieve goals”

Australian Government, Veteran Employment Program


How to develop more inclusive interview and selection processes

Effective recruitment strategies

Find smarter ways for your organisation to recruit veterans.

Make your application processes veteran friendly

A few small changes to your position descriptions can make a big difference to the number of veterans who apply for those jobs. Their time in the Defence Force has equipped them with a range of skills that can be very useful to your organisation.

Make sure to emphasise those skills – such as teamwork and problem-solving – in your position descriptions. Also, make it clear in your recruitment campaign if you offer training.

Highlighting any transferable skills and knowledge they may have developed in the military can help encourage veterans too. And avoiding unfamiliar jargon or technical language is also a good idea.

Develop a veteran-friendly interviewing process

While the process of interviewing Defence Force veterans is generally the same as that for other candidates, it can be useful to make a few adjustments.

Focusing on the tasks that veterans can do, rather than their qualifications, can help you identify those skills and capabilities more clearly. Providing candidates with the opportunity to demonstrate their suitability for the role can also help set them up for success.

Ensure inclusive onboarding

Veterans are used to clear-cut instructions and procedures, so the less structured world of business may be a challenge for them.

It’s important to remember that they will need some time to adjust to a civilian work environment and become familiar with the nature of corporate roles and organisational dynamics. You can help make their transition easier by ensuring your onboarding process is clear and structured. And make sure you let them know who they can go to for information or help.


“Veterans represent a unique, diverse and high-performing source of talent”

Australian Government, Veteran Employment Program


How to keep veteran talent and reduce turnover

Proven retention strategies

Veterans come well equipped with skills and talents picked up during military training which can save your organisation time and money by reducing the need for training. By being mindful of the culture and environment that veterans have come from, you can help them to transition smoothly and bring those valuable skills and talents to your workplace.

Connect tasks with strategies

The military is a very purpose-driven workplace and every task is connected to a particular purpose. Not surprisingly, some veterans can struggle to find meaning in their civilian careers.

You can help them stay engaged in their role by explaining how each task contributes to achieving team goals and how these relate to your organisation’s overarching business strategy. Conversations like this can also help a veteran employee focus on completing the task at hand while also gaining a better understanding of the organisation’s bigger picture.

Drive inclusive initiatives

Transitioning from a highly ordered, disciplined and controlled environment like the military to an everyday civilian workplace can have some challenges but you can help support veterans to make that move by implementing a range of well-resourced diversity initiatives.

Encouraging internal support networks where veterans can connect, share experiences and benefit from peer-to-peer mentorship will give them a stronger sense of belonging. It can also help them better connect with your organisation’s culture.

Provide frequent feedback

Veterans are used to receiving and responding to feedback. Make sure you create regular opportunities to give and receive feedback, especially in the early stages of their employment.

Establishing a culture of open communication like this has some added benefits too. It can help your veteran employees adapt to work requirements and, at the same time, enable their managers to provide them with effective support.


“According to the 2021 Census, there were 496,300 people who had previously served in the Australian Defence Force (ADF)”

Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2021


How to create pathways for veteran employees

Proven advancement strategies

One of the big benefits of hiring a veteran is that they are very familiar with ongoing training and career pathways. They also have lots of experience with delegation, motivation and results-oriented tasks.

So make the most of these skills and experiences by creating clear pathways to promotion and leadership in your organisation.

Provide opportunities for upskilling

The military invests heavily in training. As a result, most Defence Force veterans will have undergone more on-the-job training than many of your other employees.

By identifying veterans with leadership potential, this can work in your organisation’s favour. Talk to them about their professional aspirations. Work with them develop their career plan. Offer them relevant training to enhance their skillset and prepare for higher-level roles.

Mentor veterans

Mentoring is an excellent way to help veterans navigate their new environment and transition into your workplace more easily. They are used to being guided by others and following by example.

By investing in formal mentoring for your veteran employees, you can also help them build capacity, advance their careers and utilise their unique skills and experience.

Establish leadership shadowing programs

The fast-moving, ever-changing nature of life in the Defence Force is excellent preparation for the demands of the business world, particularly in roles that require leadership.

By giving veterans opportunities to shadow more experienced leaders in your organisation, you can help them develop the skills they need to move more easily into civilian leadership roles within your organisation.


“Female veterans (14%) and reservists (17%) were more likely to be employed as managers when compared to the general population, which lists just 11 per cent of women employed as managers”

Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2022