Leadership & Broad Strategy

Developing a Strategic Framework

Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Framework for the Resources Industry

This strategic framework is a roadmap for organisations to be well-equipped to implement diversity and inclusion tactics that drive organisational change.  It communicates the diversity and inclusion vision and aim, and details the tactics to achieve each goal. It holds leadership accountable and is critical in driving an authentic diversity and inclusion organisational culture.


Why is a strategic framework important for organisations?

  1. Leadership: It makes diversity and inclusion an organisational priority. It provides clear direction and guidance for the organisation’s diversity and inclusion tactics.
  2. Alignment: A strategic framework aligns diversity and inclusion with the organisation’s mission and values and ensures diversity and inclusion is integrated into organisational goals.
  3. Accountability: It establishes accountability mechanisms, allowing leaders to measure and assess the effectiveness and impact of critical diversity and inclusion tactics.
  4. Consistency: A framework ensures that diversity and inclusion efforts are consistent throughout the organisation.


How does a strategic framework reinforce diversity and inclusion within an organisation?

  1. Leadership Commitment: Endorsing and publicly displaying the framework sends a powerful signal that diversity and inclusion are critical organisational priorities, encouraging employees at all levels to embrace these principles.
  2. Transparency: The framework fosters transparency by outlining specific goals, strategies, and measurable indicators. This transparency holds leaders accountable and allows employees to understand the organisation’s commitment.
  3. Cultural Transformation: The framework outlines the organisation’s expectations of cultural change.
  4. Inclusive Practices: The framework promotes inclusive practices, policies, and programs, highlighting the expectation that diversity and inclusion are embedded in all aspects of the organisation.
  5. Innovation and Competitiveness: The framework promotes innovation by leveraging diverse perspectives and creating competitiveness in a rapidly changing industry.


How can the strategic framework be effectively used by the organisation?

  1. Customise and Adapt: Organisations should customise this template to align with organisational goals, values, and industry context. Insert your company’s name, logo, and relevant details to personalise the framework.
  2. Leadership Alignment: Ensure senior leadership, including the CEO or top executives, endorse and sign the framework to demonstrate their commitment to diversity and inclusion.
  3. Communication: Share the strategic framework widely within the organisation to educate employees about the company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. Encourage open dialogues and discussions around the framework.
  4. Implementation: Translate the strategic framework’s aims into actionable initiatives, policies, and practices within the organisation. Assign responsibility and establish timelines for implementation.
  5. Monitoring and Accountability: Regularly assess the progress and outcomes of diversity and inclusion tactics.
  6. Use measurable indicators to hold leaders and the organisation accountable for achieving diversity and inclusion goals.